Sunday, September 7, 2008

~ The Divine Secrets of The Stupid Girls ~

Once upon a time, there were two girls...Silly and Sillier. They met...they bonded...they were forever friends. They did everything together - shopped, ate, stayed up all night, laughed til they cried, cried because they were sad, cried because they were happy, and even had babies at pretty much the same time. No one ever understood them when they were together!...and they were never like this when they were apart. They were in their own special world...a world no one else would ever be able to enter. Today, you will understand a little more about the life of The Stupid Girls.

Rule #1 - EVERYTHING IS FUNNY - And by FUNNY, I mean HILARIOUS beyond belief. Laughter constitutes tears and the occasional snort from S.G. #1 thus bringing tears to the eyes of S.G. #2.

Rule #2 - MEN ARE STUPID - And YES...we mean ALL men...except for our son(s) or fathers...and they occasionally have some tendencies! We are firm believers that men's brains are located in their pelvic regions! The space between their ears is just

Rule #3 - FOOD AND/OR SHOPPING MUST ALWAYS BE INVOLVED - There really isn't an explanation needed. It just is what it is!

Rule #4 - THERE IS NO JUDGING - What one S.G. does is okay to the other S.G.

Rule #5 - NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS...NOTHING - And if this isn't a perfect example...I don't know what is!

Rule #6 - SILLINESS IS A MUST - Any time, anywhere, always!!!

Rule #7 - And the most important rule of all...YOU MUST ALWAYS LOVE YOUR STUPID GIRL!!!

Stupid Girls are like the bacon bits on a bed of plain ole' lettuce...they spice it up, give it some flavor, and bring a little life, excitement, and joy!

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