Saturday, January 17, 2009


Got this in an email this past week. Laugh it up....make your little comments!!!

1. Name ~ Beth Washburn
2. Nicknames ~ oh uh-huh......never going to tell that!
3. Age ~ 28
4. Relationship status ~ oh-so happily divorced!!!
5. Eye color ~ brown with some green tints
6. Where were you born? Rutherford County
7. Do you have kids? 2 girls, Gabriella (7) and Annabelle (5)
8. Piercings ~ none
9. What is the most recent movie you saw in a theatre? Sex and the’s been a while!
10. Favorite foods ~ Mexican, Mexican, Mexican, and pizza.....and don’t forget the cheesecake
11. Favorite day of the week ~ any day that I get to sleep in
12. Favorite flower ~ lily and gerber daisies
13. Favorite sport to watch ~ Nascar....even though I’m not quite sure it’s a sport ~ 2nd
14. Favorite drink ~ Mountain Dew
15. Favorite ice cream ~ chocolate chip cookie dough
16. Favorite fast food restaurant ~ um....don’t think I have one. When I was pregnant, I would go to 4 or 5 different ones and get one thing from each place and have my own little picnic every night!
17. What color is your bedroom carpet? tan/boring
18. How many times did you take your driver’s test? actually just once!
19. Favorite TV shows ~ Grey's Anatomy, Sex and the City, Frasier, Friends, The First 48, That 70s Show
20. Last person you went to dinner with? my mother, two of my brothers, and my daughters
21. Favorite color ~ tricky question! red for shoes and purses, browns, and shades of blues
22. Favorite song ~ to many to choose from!
23. Favorite movie ~ many to choose from
24. What is your sign? Leo
25. Can you change a car tire? yes.....if I must
26. Can you drive a stick? well of course!
27. When you get married, will your dress be white? nope! red!!!
28. Are you for gay marriage? who am I to tell someone else what to do with their life?
29. How many tattoos do you have? none
30. How many pets do you have? none
31. Favorite book ~ The Wednesday book I’ve ever read
32. Siblings ~ 4 brother (30, 24, 15, and 10) and a sister (4)
33. House or apartment? duplex
34. Hobbies ~ can’t tell that!!!!!!!!!!
35. What U.S. cities have you visited? Honolulu, Maui, Orlando, Charleston, Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Raleigh, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Outer Banks
36. What international cities have you visited? London, Stratford on Avon, Paris, St. Thomas (don't think that is really considered a city though)
37. What languages do you speak? took two semesters of German in high school and can say one phrase! and enough Spanish to eat at Mi Pueblitos!
38. Glasses or contacts? contacts
39. Summer or winter? fall
40. Apple juice or orange juice ~ milk
41. Hugs or kisses? kisses!
42. Computer or television ~ computer
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles ~ Stones
44. What color is your car? dirty with a black under-tone
45. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive
46. Can men and women be “just friends”? absolutely NOT
47. Dating co-workers? never had a co-worker that I wanted to date
48. Is flirting cheating? no
49. Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 so-so friends? 1 great friend
50. Would you ever have plastic surgery? of course!
51. Love someone so much it made you cry? of course
52. What word describes you best? Sassy!
53. What is your greatest accomplishment? my daughters
54. Morning or night person? night
55. Would you live with someone before you married them? probably wouldn’t marry them if I couldn’t live with them first
56. Would you rather take pictures or have your picture taken? take pictures
57. Are you a beach or country person? half and half
58. Do you like your handwriting? yes
59. Believe in soul mates? absolutely
60. Ever been to Africa?
61. Ever been toilet papering (rolling)? actually no
62. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
63. Which store would you choose to max out your credit cards in? that is a very unfair question to ask a woman!!!
64. What time do you go to bed? when my eyes close
65. Would you like to be famous? probably not.....don't like people in my business
66. On the way to the electric chair, what would your last meal be? a man!!!!!!

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